
Huda Hajira

Full Stack Web Developer


Hajira Sultana, a young and dynamic entrepreneur with a passion for building successful startups from scratch. With years of experience in the startup ecosystem, Hajira has carved a niche for herself in the world of entrepreneurship. She has founded two startups, Housepital, a health tech startup, and AlphaEd, an edu-tech startup, during the 2nd year of her B.tech.

As a full stack web developer with expertise in the MERN stack, Hajira has built five full-stack applications. Her unique combination of technical skills and entrepreneurial mindset has enabled her to build innovative solutions that solve real-world problems and create value for her customers. Hajira's drive, determination, and expertise make her a rising star in the startup ecosystem, and she is poised to make a significant impact in the years to come.


About me

Hajira Sultana, a young and dynamic entrepreneur with a passion for building successful startups from scratch. With years of experience in the startup ecosystem, Hajira has carved a niche for herself in the world of entrepreneurship. She has founded two startups, Housepital, a health tech startup, and AlphaEd, an edu-tech startup, during the 2nd year of her B.tech.

As a full stack web developer with expertise in the MERN stack, Hajira has built five full-stack applications. Her unique combination of technical skills and entrepreneurial mindset has enabled her to build innovative solutions that solve real-world problems and create value for her customers. Hajira's drive, determination, and expertise make her a rising star in the startup ecosystem, and she is poised to make a significant impact in the years to come.



Programmings languages

  • JavaScript

Web Frontend

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • React
  • Bootstrap

Web Backend

  • Node
  • Express


  • Mongodb

Other tools

  • Github
  • VScode
  • Unix Shells (Bash/zsh)

Human languages

  • English
  • Hindi
  • Urdu

Tasky Application
-Created a Full stack application,
for managing tasks which will,
send automated reminder SMS
and reminder Emails

HTML CSS JavaScript Mongodb Express Node.JS

Treasure Hunt Game
- Website Created a game using
Dom, Html, and CSS

HTML CSS Javascript DOM

Book Management System
-Created a Full stack application
that will help you to Manage
your bookshelf,you can add,
edit and delete books

HTML CSS JavaScript Mongodb Express Node.JS

Progress Management System
-Created a Full Stack Application
that will automate the process of
progress cards at school, and
the result cards will be displayed
in the form of charts

Bootstrap Chart.JS JavaScript Mongodb Express Node.JS